Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Wildlife of Bermuda


I have been thinking about my new post since I finished the last one. Nothing interesting came to mind until now. I decided to describe what is around me everyday- wildlife of Bermuda.

Tree Frogs
My favourite are the tiny cute frogs, you have to agree with me that they looks so friendly. Tree frogs spends most of their time in trees but sometimes they come down where you can see them. Once in the evening when I was closing the windows one of them jump into my room. I gently caught the frog under a jam-jar and let it go outside.

When my husband moved to Bermuda he couldn't sleep a couple nights because the tree frogs sing all night. They start when it is dark outside. I made video to show what they sounds like. Video is not so loud but believe me they are.


Another frog is not so sweet and much bigger than my small friends. If you have dog or cat watch out because this frog can be poisonous. However, the poison is on the skin and will not be releasen unless frog is bitten or is stressed. I found pictures where someone has a frog in their hands, so this frog isn't dangerous to our health.


Now the worst part of my post is about spiders, I hate these creepy, disgusting monsters! But they exist and in Bermuda you can see them everywhere. I tried to find their name's online and found much more, lot of pictures what made me sick which stopped me researching more. All I know is they are everywhere and you have to watch out for webs. This guy on the pictures lives in my backyard :/

 Couple days ago my husband took me to a forest where I met the biggest spider in my life! I almost had heart attack when  we saw this! So remember never go to places with a lot of tress! I also found excellent pictures but I don't want to this monster every time when I open my blog. Sorry guys but for better pictures you have to research yourself :)

Now I can take you to a better part of my note. Ladies and gentleman please meet colourful lizards! Just like the disgusting spiders,  you can meet lizards everywhere. Big, medium, small on the tree, wall, on the ground just look closely. If you are lucky you can look at them a little longer and they watch you. Just be careful of your movement because they are very skittish.

Besides the described above creatures you can also see a lot of birds, fishes, cockroaches and much much more. If you want I can describe other creatures for you as well.

XOXO LoveMessages

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Johnny Barners

Hello guys!

I was thinking what I should writte in my next note. I wasn't sightseeing this week so there is nothing new for me to recommend, then I remembered that  a couple days ago I went into town in the morning on a scooter for first time  to Hamilton. I met a man who makes you happier on your way to Hamilton. I have never met someone so much positive and open for other people like Johnny Barnes. It's hard to find good words to describe this person. But what I know this human has so much love,  he waves, send kisses and blesses you everymorning you really feel better. He stay on the roundabout every workday from 4:00 to 10:00 am. This 90 year old man has his own statue and bench. For me this is something unbelieable that someone is able wake up so early whoever in sun or rain and go bless drivers. I hear like people call him Mr. Happy Man, which I 100% agree!

To ksee what I am talking about watch this short movie

If I can be honest more people deserve to be called Happy in Bermuda. Strangers stop you on the street and ask about day. I have never seen so many smiles and happy people than in Bermuda. You feel that every "good morning", "how are you" is honest. Sometimes in my country, within a store that thiese gestures are fake, they only do this because they are required too. Anyway I am pretty sure that this is the case in most places.

Remember be happy, smile, stop complaining, stop gossiping, stop laughing at weaknesses of other people and take the most what you can from every day because you have just have one life. I guarantee that life will be easer and fate give you everything back.

xoxo next time


Zastanawiałam się jaką notkę powinnam napisać i jakoś nic nie przychodziło mi do głowy. Przez cały tydzień nie widziałam nic nowego co mogłabym polecić. Nie chciałam też opisywać coś co sama widziałam już kilkakrotnie. Szukałam czegoś swieżego i dopiero w środę spotkałam na swojej drodze najbardziej pozytywną osobę na świecie! Jonny Barners to 90 letni mężczyzna, który każdego dnia nie ważne jaka jest pogoda idzie na rondo i pozdrawia każdego kto akurat przejeżdża. Śle pocałunki, macha, życzy miłego dnia. Patrząc na jego twarz widać szczęśliwego człowieka a co lepsze ta pozytywna energia przechodzi na Ciebie. Nigdy przenigdy w swoim życiu nie spotkałam kogoś równie pozytywnego. A już na pewno nie w Polsce, człowieka w zakładzie psychiatrycznym zamkneli gdyby przez kilkanaście lat swojego życia stał na rondzie i machał do ludzi. Nie jeden by mu pokazał środkowy palec, wyzwał od debili. Jonny Barners dostał już swój pomnik i własną lawkę na której może usiąść. Nie stety stan zdrowia, wiek nie pozwala mu na ciągłe stanie od 4:00-10:00 dzień w dzień.

Jednak nie tylko ten staruszek jest tutaj taką pozytywną postacią, ale niemal wszyscy. Ludzie zatrzymują Cię na ulicy pytają o dzień, mówią dzieńdobryn ot tak. Możesz sobie to wyobrazić w Polsce? Ja pamiętam panie za ladą wiecznie nabormuszone i nieszczęśliwe. Widać, że każde "miłego dnia" to bardziej odgórny nakaz aniżeli słowa z szczerego serca.

Co Ci mogę poradzić czytelniku to bądź szczęśliwy każdego dnia, kochaj ludzi, nie wyśmiewaj inności, nie pokazuj palcem. Wszyscy jesteśmy tacy sami nie zależnie od pochodzenia, koloru skóry, przekonań.  Nie daj też sobie wmówić, że czegoś nie możesz. Ty sam decydujesz jak Twoje życie się potoczy. Ty i nikt inny uwierz mi. Ja wierzę w karmę i że los odpłaci nam tym samym co my dajemy. Nie chcę ryzykować bo życie jest zbyt piękne i tylko jedno.


Monday, 2 September 2013

Admiralty House Park

Hello guys!

Me and my husband didin't know how to spend this beautiful sunny Monday so we decided to sightsee  what we have never seen before. We chose to go to the Admiralty House Park and it was a good choice. This small park is a short ride from Hamilton so it is easy to get there (you can take bus number 4). Admiralty House Park has a small beach where water is very calm and safe for young kids. We saw a couple local kids playing around and swimming. I'd recommend wearing good shoes because there is a lot of caves and tunnels to explore.

I heard that its a good place to cliff jump, swim into a caves and rock climb. Remember to take a camera with you because there is great opportunity to make pictures, good shoes (I haven't but I probably feel more comfortable if I wear good shoes) and a flash light (you can't explore caves without them- trust me)

I was jealous about this guys down (remember to wear your swimsuit all the time)

Believe me that you can sit there and think about life for a few hours.

You can get inside these caves!

This reminds me of some movie about caves where people ate some creature. I swear no more horrors.

Watch out for spiders


Witam wszystkich odwiedzających mój blog

Dziś z mężem postanowiliśmy zwiedzić coś nowego. Wybór padł na Admiralty House Park i to był strzał w dziesiątkę. Ten mały park kryje w sobie bogactwo fauny i flory, małą czystą plażę no i skalne tunele do odkrycia. Nie stety nie mieliśmy z sobą latarki więc nie mogliśmy sobie pozwolić na wejście w głąb jaskini. Mrok jaki tam panował był przerażający. No i bałam się też wpaść w jakąś dziurę. Ja zawsze mam w głowie, że coś poważnego mi się stanie przez to jestem przesadnie ostrożna.


Sunday, 1 September 2013

Basic information

Hello guys here is some information on what you should know before you come here :)
Where is Bermuda? Wikipedia said that Bermuda  is a British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean, located off the east coast of the United States. Its nearest landmass is Cape HatterasNorth Carolina, about 1,030 kilometres (640 mi) to the west-northwest. It is about 1,239 kilometres (770 mi) south of Cape Sable IslandNova Scotia, and 1,770 kilometres (1,100 mi) northeast of Miami.

Capital: Hamilton (small nice city reminds me about my home town where I was born- in Poland)
Money: Bermudian dollar and they accept US dollar
Official language: English (nice because I don't need to learn another language. English has enough challenges for me)
They drives on the left

I hope that soon I can update information about weather, fauna and flora. Problem it is that writting English is kind of problematic for me. My husband has to put ceheck my note for errors before I let  you read this basic information. 

How my weekend in Bermuda? It is very calm, just relaxing at home a front of TV. Sometimes good is take some break especially in place like Bermuda where always is fun and party. 

xoxo Ewa
Chyba nie ma sensu tłumaczyć podstawowych informacji, które napisałam powyżej są dosyć proste w samodzielnym przetłumaczeniu. Pisanie w języku angielskim jest dla mnie troszkę problematyczne, ale myślę, że pomoże mi to rozwijać się i z każdym postem będę znacznie lepsza. 

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